The monster lurks beyond your bedroom door. It can cause you hours of misery and force you to writhe in agony. Relax, it’s just your bed, and sleep makes life worth living. If you don’t sleep well, I’ve grouped some tips on how to sleep better. It’s not rocket science, but simple actions can help you recharge, perform better at work and put transient problems in their proper place – under the bed and out of sight and mind with the rest of the hobgoblins.

Establish a Sleep Routine


If you want to get regular sleep, you need to develop a routine before bedtime. It’s similar to Pavlov’s dogs that learned to drool when they heard the dinner bell. According to, sticking to a regular sleep schedule regulates your body’s clock. When you follow your sleep routine, you get sleepy. Here is the first section of sleep tips that are related to your nightly routine:

    1. Stick to a Sleep Schedule

      • Sticking to a regular sleep schedule is the most important tip on how to sleep better. You could actually get restorative sleep in a sleeping bag outdoors or an uncomfortable mattress – if it’s your regular sleeping time. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice comfort for your sleep; that’s why the following tips on how to sleep better matter.
    2. Incorporate Reading a Book Into Your Bedtime Routine

      • Incorporating reading time into your bedtime preparations makes sense. Television and videos stimulate the mind too much, and reading the news can also keep you awake longer than normal. Reading books or a Kindle is just right. According to, it’s also a great way to get your kids to sleep while encouraging lifelong reading habits.
    3. Create a Bedtime Ritual

      • Turning the mind off before bedtime can be a big challenge, but creating a nightly ritual prepares you for bed both physically and mentally. The ritual can be a bedtime bath, choosing tomorrow’s wardrobe or reviewing what you need to do tomorrow.
    4. Empty Your Bladder Before Bed

      • According to, emptying your bladder can help you get more restful sleep. These five tips can ensure that the need to urinate won’t wake you or prevent sleep:
        • Raise your legs for an hour or so before bed to stimulate your need to urinate.
        • Limit your fluid intake two hours before bed.
        • Investigate whether you have sleep apnea, which limits the production of antidiuretic hormone.
        • Exercise your legs so that urine won’t pool in your lower extremities.
        • Monitor your urinating habits to determine whether you suffer from other health problems.
    5. Calculate Your Optimal Bedtime

      • Everyone is different, and your need for sleep doesn’t follow any one-size-fits-all guidelines. Keep a sleep diary to calculate your optimal sleeping time, and apply it to the time that you need or want to wake. That determines your optimal bedtime. Most people sleep in 90-minute cycles, and average sleep consists of five cycles. That’s 7.5 hours, but your sleep habits may differ.
    6. Eliminate Clutter in Your Bedroom

      • Physical clutter in your room can be distracting. Consciously or unconsciously, the clutter disturbs sleep. Messy surroundings make it hard to get out of bed in the morning.
    7. Listen to Relaxing Music

      • According the, listening to relaxing music for 45 minutes before bed helps you fall asleep faster and sleep longer without waking.
    8. Wake up at the Same Time Each Day

      • Waking up at the same time each day is an important part of your sleep routine. If you sleep two hours longer on your days off, it’s as if you went to bed two hours early, and sleep won’t come easily that night.
    9. Only Use Your Bed for Sleep and Sex

      • Creating the right environment makes it easier to sleep, and that means using the bed only for sleep or sex. Keep your room quiet, use window shades and avoid blue wavelengths from phones and computers, which suppress the hormone melatonin.
    10. If You Wake in the Night and Don’t Fall Back Asleep Within 20 Minutes, Get Up

      • Trying to go back to sleep after 20 minutes of wakefulness is doomed. Get up, and do something that’s non-stimulating until you’re sleepy.
    11. Don’t Start a Hyperfocused Activity at Bedtime

      • Do you suffer from ADHD symptoms, or have a child who is hyperactive? Sleep is the best medicine, and you should avoid any hyperfocused activities for you or a child before bed. The same holds true for people who don’t suffer from ADHD and focus too intently on activities before going to bed.
    12. Write a To-do List Before Going to Sleep

      • A Baylor University study focused on the value of making a to-do list in a controlled study where writing out a to-do list was the only variable. According to, the students who made a list slept longer and better than those who didn’t. The theory is that people still made lists in their heads while trying to go to sleep. Writing a list seems to eliminate the psychological need to plan.
    13. Make Your Bed After Waking Up

      • If you’re going to create a bedtime ritual, making the bed isn’t a good activity. You should make the bed in the morning. Making the bed in the morning provides an appealing oasis for sleep. That’s at least as important as a comfortable mattress for restful sleep.
    14. Do a Quiet, Non-stimulating Activity

      • Your routine should include a quiet, non-stimulating activity if you want better sleep. It can be anything that doesn’t require a lot of thought or focus. If you can’t fall asleep after 15 or 20 minutes, get up and do something that’s non-stimulating or routine, such as sorting laundry, knitting or reading.
    15. Avoid Doing Work in Bed

      • There’s real science behind the tip of not working in bed. More and more people work from their homes, and the idea of working in bed is tremendously appealing at first. However, it can damage your sleep routine when work interferes with sleep. According to, it’s important to organize a real workspace for telecommuting and working from home. You really can’t be fully productive when working from your bed.
    16. Set a Morning Reward

      • Everyone sleeps better and rises enthusiastically when he or she sets a morning reward as part of their daily sleep routine. The reward might be medicinal, caffeine-related or the chance to check your emails, which ideally should have been ignored for hours.
    17. Listen to Euphoric Music in the Morning

      • Listening to relaxing music at night and euphoric music in the morning provide the effects of meditation. You can shift your state of mind easily between sleep and wakefulness using the right playlist for your tastes.
    18. Use a Bright Light Alarm

      • According to, blaring alarms can prevent restful sleep, but bright lights mimic natural environmental cues. Awaking to a bright room is easier and less stressful than hearing a loud alarm.

      Control Your Sleep Environment

      According to, sleep affects mental and physical health, and your sleep environment can send you off to dreamland or remind you of all the problems, chores and worries that you need to take care of when you wake. Here is section of tips on controlling your sleep environment:

    19. Sleep on a Comfortable Mattress

      • According to, the quality of your mattress is critical in relieving pressure points that cause you to toss and turn during sleep. The network of capillaries in the skin can reduce the flow of blood during sleep, which sends a message to the brain to wake up enough to change position. The right mattress is critical for relieving pressure points.
    20. Keep Your Room Dark

      • Probably one of the most important rules of good sleep is a dark environment. If lights are visible, you can receive too many visual distractions, such as the ceiling fixtures needing to be cleaned. You want a comfortable environment for sleep or sex only. Visual distractions can only interfere with the sleep process.
    21. Keep Electronics Out of the Bedroom

      • Electronics have become an obsession these days, and you know how distracting this obsession can be. Checking social media, sports scores and other information not only distracts you from sleep but also provides enough ambient light to keep you awake.
    22. Don’t Have a Workspace in Your Bedroom

      • It’s best to not have any workspace in your bedroom, but in some cases, it’s unavoidable. Computer and phone pings can disturb your sleep, and unfinished projects can call loudly when your workstation is near. If you must have a workspace in the bedroom, hide it behind a screen and mute all digital noises.
    23. Try Having a Lavender Scent in Your Bedroom

      • Lavender is the best known scent for relaxation and better sleep. You can apply lavender spray or scents in your room or bed or use a drop or two of lavender oil on your wrists to promote better sleep.
    24. Try Aromatherapy

      • According to, lavender, cedarwood and bergamot are the most successful scents in promoting restful sleep, but you might prefer other aromas that relax you. Find the scent that promotes sleep, and you’ll be able to control your sleep environment.
    25. Use the Right Pillow

      • The right pillow is just as important as the right mattress for sleep. Choosing the optimal pillow depends on how you sleep. A general rule of thumb is that the pillow should keep its shape without constant fluffing. Back sleepers benefit from a thin pillow that doesn’t raise the head too much. Stomach sleepers need the thinnest pillow possible – even no pillow – to get restful sleep. Side sleepers need an extra-firm pillow with an extra-wide gosset to bridge the gap between your shoulder and ear.
    26. Wear Socks to Bed

      • According to, warming your feet is a great way to get ready for sleep. Everyone occasionally experiences cold feet in bed, and socks are the easiest, safest and cheapest way to warm your feet before bed and throughout your sleep.
    27. Eliminate Distractions

      • Any kind of distraction can prevent you from sleeping comfortably. Some are unavoidable, but you can power down technological distractions, read quietly before bed and set ground rules about interruptions from children and/or pets.
    28. Paint Your Room a Tranquil Color

      • Although blue light wavelengths can be distracting, the color blue is relaxing and conducive to good sleep. If blue is not your favorite, you can also get a calming effect from shades of silver, gray and warm, neutral colors, such as pale yellow or beige. Find the shade that works best for you to control your sleep environment.
    29. Try Using an Eye Mask and Ear Plugs

      • According to, wearing an eye mask and ear plugs can eliminate ambient light and noise that distracts you from sleep. In fact, the practice affects your physiological processes and melatonin and cortisol levels.
    30. Keep Your Room a Cool Temperature

      • Sleeping under blankets provides a feeling of safety and security. That’s why it’s best to sleep in a cool room year-round. You’ll fall asleep faster when cuddled under the blankets and get a better quality of sleep.
    31. Hide Your Clock so that You Don’t Look at It

      • Watching the clock is one of the most distracting things that you can do when trying to sleep. Many insomniacs report the exact time they awaken at night, which shows that they are clock-watchers. Watching the clock is a common symptom of most insomniacs and a huge detriment to restful sleep.
    32. Keep Pets Out of Your Bed

      • Face it: pets are big distractions. In some cases, mild allergies are triggered by pet dander, which is another reason to ban pets from your bed.
    33. No Electronics

      • Using tables, smartphones, TVs and tablets before bed resets your internal clock and suppresses the release of the hormones that induce sleep. The lights, buzzes and pings can also distract or wake you unnecessarily.
    34. Use Noise-canceling Headphones

      • Noise-canceling headphones can provide relief from traffic noises and urban sounds like sirens. Most standard headphones are uncomfortable for sleeping, so you should find a brand that’s made for wearing to bed. You can enjoy your favorite soft music or just block the sounds of traffic and noisy neighbors.
    35. Use a White Noise Machine

      • White noise can gently lull you to sleep – even when you wake during the night. The noise becomes part of your sleep environment by keeping your bedroom quiet, predictable and free of distractions. The white noise buffers disturbing sounds and wraps you in a cocoon of restful sound.
    36. Make Sure Your Bedroom Is Quiet

      • Ambient sounds come from all sorts of electrical and digital devices. There might not be any way to stop the sound of your HVAC system cutting on and off, but you can eliminate many noises from iPods, iPads, smartphones, tablets and computers.
    37. Try Using Separate Blankets in a Shared Bed

      • Sharing a bed is one of the oldest methods of sleep security, but it’s not really necessary in most homes today. If you don’t want to give up sharing your bed, getting separate blankets can prove beneficial for sleeping, and it might even save the relationship if you or your partner is a blanket hog.
    38. Try Using a Weighted Blanket

      • There are many causes of insomnia and sleep stress. Sometimes, your brain just won’t shut down, so you toss and turn throughout the night. A weighted blanket can add an extra measure of security, and some weighted blankets won’t be too restrictive while providing protection against stress.
    39. Keep Noise Down

      • You should do everything under your control to reduce noise at bedtime, but that’s impossible in some situations, such as having noisy neighbors or roommates. In those cases, you must approach the problem by training yourself to ignore the noise by focusing your attention on other things. You can distract from the noise with soothing music, breathing exercises, muscle relaxation techniques and a strong pre-sleep routine.

      Eating Right to Sleep Quickly and Soundly


      According to, your diet has a big effect on how well you sleep. Good nutrition is the best way to sleep better. Preferred foods include whole grains, popcorn and oatmeal. Cottage cheese, warm milk, herbal tea and fruits with high levels of melatonin also induce restful sleep. Here are other diet tips for good sleep:

    40. Eat Breakfast Every Morning

      • It sounds strange, but eating breakfast every morning is the best tip for getting restful sleep. Knowing that food is available each morning trains your body to take advantage of its metabolic window. Your body understands that breakfast is secure, so you rest better.
    41. Eat Foods That Help You Sleep

      • According to, the best foods to eat for better sleep include:
        • Foods with high levels of melatonin, magnesium, tryptophan, potassium, vitamin D, etc.
        • Small amounts of almonds, which have many health benefits
        • Lean turkey, which is high in protein and low in fat
        • Chamomile tea, which is a tea used for centuries to calm and relax people
        • Kiwi fruit, which has low calories but many nutrients, such as potassium and folate
        • Tart cherry juice, which contains 62 percent of your daily requirement of vitamin A, 40 percent of vitamin C and 14 percent of your need for manganese.
        • Fatty fish, which is super healthy because of its high vitamin D content and includes mackerel, tuna, salmon and trout
        • A few walnuts, which contain more than 19 vitamins, linoleic acid and omega-3 fatty acids
        • Passionflower tea, which has been used for many years to treat health disorders and stress
        • White rice, which is a carbohydrate that’s usually avoided before bed, but is beneficial when consumed several hours before bedtime

        Other sleep-conducive foods include bananas, milk, oatmeal and cottage cheese.

    42. Eat More Fish

      • According to an article posted at, a University of Pennsylvania study found that eating more fish could be the key to getting restful sleep. The study found a strong association between eating fish and sleeping well.
    43. Avoid Alcohol

      • According to, a review of 27 clinical studies found that alcohol doesn’t improve sleep, which is commonly thought. Although alcohol consumption can help you fall asleep quicker, it restricts REM sleep, so you wake up soon and have difficulty falling back to sleep.
    44. Drink Warm Milk

      • Scientifically, there’s no proof that drinking warm milk makes you sleepy, but generations of anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise. According to, psychological influences are just as important for sleeping as scientific evidence. Warm milk relaxes you, sparks memories of the safest time in your life and provides the essential amino acid tryptophan.
    45. Don’t Drink Anything 2 Hours Before Bed

      • The anecdotal evidence is clear enough that you don’t need clinical evidence that drinking lots of fluids before bed can interrupt your sleep. If you don’t drink 2 hours before bed and empty your bladder at that time, it’s unlikely you’ll wake up because of bladder issues. It’s just common sense.
    46. Don’t Have a Heavy Meal

      • Eating a heavy meal before bedtime can result in stomach discomfort, heartburn and even mandatory bathroom visits that interrupt or delay sleep. You should avoid any heavy eating 2-3 hours before bedtime. That helps to prevent weight gain, intestinal issues and feelings of being bloated throughout the night.
    47. Drink Cherry Juice

      • Clinical research proves that drinking tart cherry juice raises the level of melatonin and improves the quality and duration of your sleep. However, you shouldn’t drink the juice right before bed because of bladder issues.
    48. Reduce Sugary Foods and Refined Carbs

      • According to, sugary foods and refined carbs are a recipe for restless sleep. The more sugar you consume during the day, the more likely you’ll awaken in the middle of the night. The simple carbs in fruit are a safer choice if you want to sleep well.
    49. Take a Melatonin Supplement

      • reports that taking melatonin supplements is an effective way to induce better sleep – especially for insomniacs or people with jet lag. You should start with a lower dose – in the 0.5 to 1.0 milligram range. If necessary, you can increase the dosage up to 5.0 milligrams.
    50. Avoid Spicy Food at Night

      • Late afternoon or early evening is the best time to enjoy spicy food. If you eat spicy food late, you could easily fall victim to heartburn, gastric bloat and restless sleep. Hot spices raise your body’s core temperature, which always makes it more difficult to sleep.
    51. Brew Chamomile Tea

      • According to an an article posted at, chamomile tea has been used as a tranquilizer and natural cure for stress since the time when the Egyptian pyramids were built. The herbal tea has lots of antioxidants, and its ability to reduce stress and induce sleep has been clinically proven in a peer-reviewed medical study.
    52. Eat a Banana

      • Bananas are the perfect late-night snack before bed. The fruit contains high levels of magnesium, potassium and simple carbs that relax the muscles and make you sleepy.
    53. Consider Natural Supplements

      • There are many choices of natural supplements that help to induce restful sleep and provide the health benefits of better overall nutrition. These supplements include:
        • Supplements with melantoni, tryptophan, magnesium and vitamin D
        • Valerian root, which is reported to improve sleep quality
        • Lavender oil, which can be used in your room, topically and in your bath for relaxing
        • Passion flower for tea, which promotes better sleep
        • The amino acid glycine, which has proven effective in promoting sleep with a 3-gram dose before bedtime
        • Other natural supplements, such as ginkgo biloba and L-theanine

      Find Your Inner Peace


      You don’t have to become a yogi, monk, nun or hermit to find inner peace. According to, inner peace can be enjoyed at anytime by anyone leading a normal life, and the best time to attain peace of mind is right before bed. The term “inner peace” can be defined as a state of being at peace with the world. The old adage of never going to bed angry applies if you want restful sleep. The tips below can help to speed up the process after a bad day:

    54. Do Something Relaxing Until You Feel Tired

      • According to, doing something that relaxes you is the best way to achieve spiritual and mental peace. You might read a book, sp a cup of herbal tea, listen to an audiobook or incorporate mindfulness techniques. These include breathing and relaxation exercises, yoga and meditation.
    55. Count Sheep

      • Counting sheep is an age-old technique that countless insomniacs have used to relax. Counting a series of identical white sheep helps to clear the brain of the day’s problems and concerns. It doesn’t have to be sheep – you can just count or choose another avatar, such as poodles, rabbits or Ewoks.
    56. Go to Sleep When You Are Truly Tired

      • Generally. It’s recommended that you stick to a regular sleep schedule, but that’s sometimes impossible for people working unusual shifts, split shifts and work-at-home jobs that are interrupted by family crises. Sometimes, it just makes better sense to go to bed when you’re tired or sleepy – instead of fighting your body’s natural sleep cues.
    57. Reduce Blue Light Exposure in the Evening

      • The blue light from bright screens has a dark side. The screens of electronic devices, according to, can stimulate key areas of the brain and make sleep impossible. That’s why you should avoid staring at screens 2-3 hours before sleep. If that’s not possible, consider wearing blue-blocking glasses or downloading an app that filters blue-green light.
    58. Expose Yourself to Bright Sunlight in the Morning

      • Morning sunlight is the classic way to wake naturally. Getting natural sun increases the body’s production of serotonin, which converts into melatonin at night to help you sleep.
    59. Never Go to Bed Angry

      • The adage “never go to bed angry” is supported by clinical studies that demonstrate anger becomes more ingrained after a sleep session. The anger is harder to reverse, and anger prevents restful sleep. Learn to drop your anger before bed to feel better and prevent conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder.
    60. Try Sleeping on Your Side

      • Accrding to, switching your sleeping position can provide many benefits. Sleeping on your side makes it easier to digest food, reduces snoring and prevents heartburn and other gastric problems.
    61. Listen to Audiobooks

      • Listening to an audiobook is conducive to relaxation. It’s one of the few electronic devices that’s useful for sleeping. You can relax your eyes and get carried away from the stresses of the day.
    62. Play a Mind Game to Fall Asleep Faster

      • You can let go of stress by playing a mental mind game to distract you. This “cognitive shuffling” prevents you from thinking about falling asleep, which aggravates the insomnia problem. Pick any word, and take the first letter and compose a list of words that begin with that letter. Picture each item. When you run out of words, go to the next letter. This game, according to, was created by Luc Beaudoin at the Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada. However, you can find similar games online or create your own.
    63. Use an Anxiety-relieving App

      • There are plenty of anxiety-relieving apps online that can help you reduce stress, relieve panic attacks and relax and guide you through meditation or calming music.
    64. Sleep With Your Hair Down

      • Many magazines and experts recommend sleeping with your hair up to protect it from damage during sleep. However, sleeping with your hair down – figuratively or literally – can be relaxing from time to time. The figurative approach might include sleeping in the nude or foregoing your regular beauty regimen.
    65. Try Using Essential Oils

      • You can use essential oils for aromatherapy or therapeutic skin treatments to relax you for sleep. Some of the better choices include lavender oil, valerian oil, sweet marjoram, clary sage, bergamot and chamomile.
    66. Don’t Check Emails After Work Hours

      • Checking your emails after work hours – regardless of whether you work at home or in a physical location – causes stress. Even if you don’t open the emails, you worry about them. Work-related communications at home cut into your personal time, and flexible work boundaries often mean no boundaries between work and personal time. Make a stand to protect your personal time by ignoring emails after work hours.
    67. Use a Light Therapy Box

      • According to the, light therapy boxes provide a bright light that mimics the light of the sun. The light is used to treat seasonal affective disorder, SAD, and other conditions that include insomnia. A light therapy box can give indoor workers a boost of light during the day to encourage more restful sleep at night.
    68. Postpone Worrying and Brainstorming

      • If you have a big problem, make plans to address it during the day. Write out what you need to decide and when you need to do it. The process helps you to postpone your decisions without worrying excessively.
    69. Use a Sleep App

      • Sleep apps are new technologies that can relieve the symptoms of insomnia. According to, sleep apps can provide relief for occasional or chronic insomnia. The apps can provide sleep tracking, relaxing music, relaxation exercises and other approaches that help you fall asleep. Some of the top apps include Sleepio, Relax Melodies, Nature Sounds Relax & Sleep, Pzizz and others.
    70. Attempt the 4-7-8 Breathing Method

      • According to, the 4-7-8 breathing technique is based on an Indian technique to relieve stress and promote relaxation. The breathing technique consists of the following:
        • Get comfortable.
        • Place your tongue tip against the back of your upper teeth.
        • Exhale while making a “shhh” sound.
        • Inhale through the nose for 4 seconds.
        • Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
        • Exhale for 8 seconds through the mouth, making the “shhh” sound.
        • Repeat the process for four or more times.
    71. Take a Relaxing Bath or Shower

      • A relaxing bath or shower before bed relaxes you and improves your sleep. In the morning, you’re often rushed and can’t enjoy bathing, but night is the perfect time to combine the benefits of getting clean and relaxed for sleep.

      Avoid Alcohol and Other Stimulants


      The reports that any stimulants, such as alcohol, drugs, prescription medications, caffeine, certain foods and nicotine can make it difficult to fall asleep. If you do indulge in these stimulants, it’s best to quit 4 hours before you plan to sleep. Tips for avoiding the problems of excessive stimulation before bedtime include:

    72. Avoid Bright Lights Before Bed

      • Bright lights before bed upset your natural circadian rhythms that encourage restful sleep at night. Dimming the lights before bedtime can get you in the proper mood for sleep both physically and mentally. Dim or red lights work especially well for creating a sleepy atmosphere.
    73. Avoid Caffeine Late in the Day

      • More and more sleep experts recommend restricting your coffee intake to the morning hours. You shouldn’t drink any high-caffeine product after 2 p.m. reports that new studies show that high-caffeine coffee beverages after 2 p.m. disrupts sleep. The same is true of energy drinks and other caffeinated beverages and snack foods.
    74. Avoid Naps

      • If you have trouble falling asleep, you should avoid naps completely because they can disrupt your sleep cycle. You can take a quick nap if you’re really tired, but you should limit it to 20 minutes. Sleeping longer can make you feel groggy and disrupt your natural sleep. You shouldn’t take a nap in the late afternoon or the evening.
    75. Avoid Movies and Intense TV Shows Before Bed

      • Although watching a little TV has long been considered relaxing, the truth is that it can damage your sleep in several ways. First, you might be tempted to stay up longer than originally planned. Violence and gore can also disturb your sleep. One major problem is the bright light of the viewing screen. The light tricks your body into thinking that it’s daytime.

      Follow Medical Recommendations

      Follow-Medical-Recommendations-To-Sleep-Better recommends that you follow good health habits regarding sleep and any specific recommendations of your personal physician. You should maintain a regular sleeping time, use your bed only bed for sleeping, relaxing and sex and watch what you eat and drink before going to sleep. Some of the specific tips for following medical recommendations for restful sleep include:

    76. Talk With Your Doctor

      • You should check with your doctor if you have frequent or chronic problems getting enough sleep. According to the, even occasional sleeping problems can be extremely disruptive. Talking with your doctor should always be your first step. Most doctors are supposed to ask about your sleeping habits, but many forget this basic rule of health because they expect their patients to mention any sleeping problems. Make sure you mention any concerns. You could have any of a number of sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy or REM sleep behavior disorder.
    77. Exercise Daily, but Not Before Bed

      • According to, when you exercise has a big effect on sleep. The ideal time for exercise is during your metabolic window in the morning. If you make time in the morning for exercise, the problems of the day won’t interfere. You’ll sleep deeper at night and get the restorative sleep that you need. If mornings aren’t an option, happy hour is a good time for exercise.
    78. Spend Time Outside During the Day

      • Getting sunlight increases serotonin production, and the hormone converts into melatonin to prepare you for sleep. Time outdoors also encourages natural exercise, resets the body’s clock and delivers fresh air, which plays a big role in regulating the body’s processes.
    79. Quit Smoking

      • According to, the nicotine in cigarettes is an addictive stimulant, and smokers experience cravings throughout the night that prevents quality sleep. One study found that smokers are four times as likely to experience poor sleep or develop chronic insomnia. If you can’t quit smoking entirely, reduce your smoking – especially in the evening.
    80. Use a Mattress Cover to Prevent Allergy Triggers

      • Allergies can be very disruptive of sleep because they cause watery eyes, itchy throats, coughing and runny noses. More than half of seasonal allergy sufferers report sleeping problems, but many people find relief by using a mattress cover. You can also filter your air, control your bedroom’s humidity and keep the window closed. It’s important to launder the sheets, bedding and mattress cover regularly to reduce dust mites and allergens.
    81. Massage Your Supraorbital Nerve

      • The supraorbital is immediately above your eyelid, and you can relieve eye pressure and discomfort by gently massaging the nerve above each eyelid. Many people massage their eyelids, but this can aggravate eye problems. Moving slightly above the eyelid massages the nerve and relieves pressure and discomfort without inflaming the eyes.
    82. Don’t Rely on Sleeping Pills over a Long-term period

      • reports that sleeping pills can cause side effects and shouldn’t be used as a long-term solution for insomnia. If you use medication regularly to sleep, you build up a tolerance for the drug. Eventually, sleeping pills won’t work, and you won’t address the underlying problem. Sleeping pills are just a temporary solution. Check with your doctor to diagnose your insomnia problem. You might need to consult a sleep specialist.
    83. Check the Side Effects of Your Medications

      • The prescription and over-the-counter medications that you take could have side effects that disrupt your sleep pattern. You might need to change or reduce your medications or dosage or take the medicine early in the day. High blood pressure and asthma medications can disrupt sleep. Antihistamines can cause daytime drowsiness.
    84. Stretch Before Going to Sleep

      • Simple stretching exercises can relieve restless leg syndrome and prepare you for a more restful sleep. According to, stretching has been found to improve sleep quality in multiple studies, and there’s a link between stretching and meditative movement.
    85. Consider a Cooling/heating Mattress Pad

      • There are many brands of heating-cooling mattress pads that allow you to customize your bed temperature year-round for better sleep. It’s a relatively small investment to have a comfortable sleep environment throughout the year.
    86. Get Checked for Sleep Apnea

      • According to the, sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes people to stop and start breathing. Sleepers often awaken when they stop breathing and gasp for breath. Sometimes, they just stop and start breathing without regaining full consciousness. People who snore loudly often develop the disorder. Your doctor will most likely refer you to a sleep disorder center where your evaluation will involve overnight sleep monitoring. The condition can be dangerous, and it severely damages restful sleep.
    87. Use a Cervical Pillow If You Have Neck Pain

      • Using a cervical neck pillow can relieve neck pain from sleeping. Some pain – such as age-related problems – are beyond your control, but most pain can be relieved with the right pillow. According to, sleeping on your back or side is the best position to relieve neck pain. If you sleep on your back, you should choose a round pillow that supports your neck. Other options for back or side sleepers include cervical pillows with indentations for the head and memory foam pillows. Feather pillows work, but they need regular fluffing and replacement every year.
    88. Explore Polyphasic Sleep

      • According to, polyphasic sleep is a different approach that many biohackers recommend for some people. Polyphasic sleepers curtail night sleep dramatically, and supplement their sleep with strategic naps throughout the day. Advocates of polyphasic sleep report that the approach increases productivity.
    89. Keep Your Cortisol in Check

      • According to, lowering your cortisol level is crucial to restful sleep. High cortisol levels can increase blood pressure, weight gain, chronic fatigue and impaired brain functions You can lower your cortisol level with the following natural treatments:
        • Staying active and exercising during daylight hours
        • Getting sun during the day and limiting bright light during the evening
        • Avoiding caffeine at night
        • Limiting nightly distractions before going to bed
        • Taking brief naps if you work usual shifts
    90. Use a Leg Pillow if You Have Back Pain

      • A leg pillow can relieve back pain if you sleep on your side. In a pinch, you can even use a rolled up towel. Shift to your side with a pillow between your knees. If that causes a gap between the mattress and your waist, consider using a small pillow there for support. The pillow keeps your spine, hips and pelvis in proper alignment.
    91. Check Iron Levels

      • reports that iron deficiency can result in headaches, anemia, shortness of breath, cold hands and feet and other symptoms that keep you from getting the rest that you deserve. Check your iron level, and eat the right foods or dietary supplements if your iron level is too low.

      Explore Your Mind-body Connection

      Explore-Your-Mind-body-Connection-to-Sleep-BetterThe mind-body connection, according to Takingcharge.csh.umn,edu, is the relationship between biological functions and your feelings, attitudes and beliefs. Your mind can really affect how your body performs. Conversely, what you eat and how well you sleep affect your mental state. The following are some tips for using the mind-body connection to improve your sleep:

    92. Meditate

      • According to, a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine followed the problems of 49 middle-aged insomniacs. Half of the patients took a mindfulness meditation course; the other half took a sleep education course. The mindfulness group slept better and had less depression and fatigue than the other group. Meditation works on relaxing your body through the mind-body connection.
    93. Try Progressive Muscle Relaxation

      • Progressive Muscle Relaxation is a technique developed in the 1930s that’s still used today to relax. The process involves tensing and relaxing groups of muscles in a session that lasts 10-20 minutes. Tightening the muscles helps people to relax them, and relaxing muscles can generate sound, restful sleep.
    94. Try Acupuncture

      • Life hackers take note: Acupuncture really works for people with or without health problems. Acupuncture can improve sleep by providing relief from injuries or chronic pain. According to, there have been many clinical studies that prove acupuncture relieves insomnia, such as a 1999 study that found acupuncture improved sleep for normal people with insomnia. The needles that are used in acupuncture stimulate the production of melatonin.
    95. Resist the Snooze Button in the Morning

      • Some people use the snooze button to wake up gradually, but it’s better to just get up when the alarm sounds. Any extra sleep is seldom quality sleep, and hitting the snooze button regularly can leave you feeling groggy and sleepy after finally getting out of bed.
    96. Combat Snoring

      • According to the, snoring cuts down on restful sleep. The clinic recommends the following ways to fight snoring:
        • Sleep on your side.
        • Lose weight if you’re obese.
        • Try using nasal strips or a nasal dilator.
        • Raise the head area of your bed.
        • Quit smoking.
        • Limit stimulants and alcohol.
    97. Create a Sleep Diary

      • Creating a sleep diary can help you pinpoint why you have trouble sleeping. The provides a template that you can use to record information, such as what and when you eat, your caffeine intake, alcohol consumption, how many times you awaken during the night, how many naps you take, etc. This information can help you find out why you have trouble sleeping after certain activities.
    98. Try Taking Yoga Classes

      • recommends yoga for better sleep. It’s best to exercise in another room since you should keep the bedroom exclusively for sleep and sex. Dim the lights and stretch before assuming yoga poses. Your breathing is critical for strengthening the mind-body connection.
    99. Have Sex Before Going to Sleep

      • According to, a study at Queensland University found that sex improves sleep – especially sex with an orgasm. 68 percent of the women and 74 percent of the men reported better sleep after having an orgasm.
    100. Journaling: Put Your Worries on Paper

      • Writing in a journal can help you put aside your daytime problems so that you can sleep. You can also focus on positive events to improve your sleep quality. Writing about your problems, concerns and hopes relieves stress and worrying so that you sleep better.
    101. Explore the 28-hour Day Concept

      • The 28-hour day concept discards the traditional practice of sleeping at night, but it’s not for everyone. You can set your own hours -such as 19 hours awake and 9 hours for sleeping. You need a week free to pursue this sleep approach, and ideally, you need the personal freedom of work flexibility. Everyone is entitled to restful sleep, but everyone isn’t comfortable with cookie-cutter sleep patterns.

      Tucking-in for a Restful Sleep

      Sleep problems are common in today’s fast-moving digital culture., and these tips on how to sleep better can help you get the sleep you need. Collectively, most people have questionable dietary habits of consuming fast food or processed foods high in sugar, fat and refined carbs. People often go straight from working at home to bed – without taking the time to develop a sleep routine. It’s little wonder that sleeping difficulties arise occasionally. The best strategy on how to sleep better is to review these tips and find the ones that you commonly do or don’t do to target the approaches that will most likely improve your sleeping habits.